
Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions of Use of Stellar Pro Directory and Services

Last Updated July 24, 2023

NOTICE: These Terms and Conditions of Use are legally binding. It is your responsibility to read these Terms and Conditions of Use carefully prior to purchase, use or access of any of our products or services.

Terms of this Service and Service Purchaser Agreement

All programs, products, courses or services provided are owned by PT Directory, LLC (DBA as Stellar Pro), the (“Company” or “we” or “us” or “our”). The term “you” or “your” refers to any user or purchaser of said program(s), product(s), course(s), or service(s) (the “Service”). These Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms”) govern and define how you are allowed to use and access Company’s Service. We reserve the right to update and change these Terms at any time, and will update them accordingly with the ‘date last updated’ at the top of this page. 

You are legally bound to these Terms whether or not you have read them. If you do not agree with any of our Terms, please email us at and we will make reasonable efforts to remove your name, email and access to our website(s).


Your Service Use and Consent 

When you signed up for and/or purchased a Service from us, you were given a reasonable notice that these Terms existed. By moving forward with your purchase of the Service and further access of the Service, you agreed and continue to agree to abide by these Terms as well as any disclaimers and privacy disclosures contained in these Terms. You agree you are at least 18 years old or of legal age in your applicable jurisdiction to access the Service. Access of our Service(s) and related materials by a minor is a violation of use, and we reserve the right to terminate your access if such an issue is discovered. 



Limited License. Subject to and in accordance with these Terms and other guidelines or instructions we include in the Service, we grant you a limited, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, revocable license (“License”) to make individual use of the Service, including any Services purchased by you. Your purchase of any Service only entitles you to view that Service in accordance with the foregoing License, and is not a purchase of the software or content constituting or included in the Service. More specifically, unless explicitly authorized in these Terms or by the owner of the materials, you may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, translate, sell, create derivative works, exploit, or distribute in any manner or medium (including by email or other electronic means) any material from the Service(s).

The License is for individual use. You may not assign or transfer any of your rights or obligations under this Section or these Terms to any person or entity and any attempt to do so is void. You may not share access to the Service with another user at any time.

We reserve the right to terminate your access to the Service at any time if we find that you have violated these Terms. We will make every attempt to notify you of any violation of these Terms and give you an opportunity to remedy the violation. However, if you fail to remedy the violation or continue to Violate the Terms, we will terminate your access to the Service with no refund of payments and processing fees.  


Fees and Refunds

Fees. Fees for Services are set forth on the Website. We reserve the right to change Fees at any time.  

Refunds. We want you to be satisfied with your purchase but also understand that purchases are not a guarantee of results. We cannot guarantee a refund due to any mental, nervous or psychological conditions that prevent you from utilizing the Service. We offer a 7-day refund period for purchases of Services.

In the event that you decide your purchase was not the right decision for you or your business, within 7 calendar days of payment, please contact our support team at and let us know you’d like a refund by 11:59 MST. You must include your initial payment receipt and contact information in your request for a refund. Refunds will be 

Any refunds beyond 7 days are not guaranteed and are discretionary as determined by PT Directory LLC.

Please note that there is a $10 non-refundable fee for administrative and credit card processing costs.



You have the right to terminate your use and access to any of our Service(s). Please send an email to to initiate this process. Upon confirmation of your termination, any and all outstanding balances will become immediately due and payable. Any existing balance that remains after 30 days from the date of termination will be sent to a collections agency, and you agree to be responsible for any additional charges, fees or costs associated with such a collection effort, including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs. 


Our Right to Terminate

PT Directory LLC also has the right to terminate your subscription and access to our Service(s) at any time and for any reason. We will notify you if we are anticipating termination and will allow you a reasonable opportunity to respond to our concerns. In the event we decide to terminate your Service, your access will be revoked and we will cancel any recurring payments. You agree not to slander, defame, or file complaints against PT Directory LLC based upon the fact that you were terminated.  


Intellectual Property

All images, text, designs, graphics, page layout, icons, videos, logos, taglines, trademarks and service marks are owned by and the property of PT Directory LLC or the properly attributed party. It is a violation of federal law to use any of our intellectual property in whole or in part, and modification of any materials contained on, or provided in the directory or website is illegal and may be prosecuted to the fullest extent permissible should we choose to do so, including seeking financial penalties (damages) and/or an injunction forcing you to stop using our intellectual property immediately.


Email Opt-in and Access

By signing up for, and/or purchasing our Service(s), you agree to receive emails and occasional marketing emails from PT Directory LLC. You are agreeing to opt-in to our email list. 

You have the right to unsubscribe, or opt-out, from our emails at any time. 

Your email address and other submitted personal information and data will be stored within our database and may be used for commercial, marketing, and promotional purposes. Your information and data will NOT be shared or sold. However, your email address and personal information and data may be transferred or sold in the event that PT Directory LLC forms a new legal entity, re-incorporates, changes corporate structure, or sells its assets to another company.


Your Use of the Services and Platform

In addition, and without limiting the other requirements in these Terms, you may not (directly or indirectly) use the Service with content, or in a manner that:

is threatening, abusive, harassing, stalking, or defamatory;

is deceptive, false, misleading or fraudulent;

is invasive of another’s privacy or otherwise violates another’s legal rights (such as rights of privacy and publicity);

contains vulgar, obscene, indecent or unlawful material;

infringes a third party’s intellectual property right(s);

publishes, posts, uploads, or otherwise distributes any software, music, videos, or other material protected by intellectual property laws (or by rights of privacy or publicity) unless you have all necessary rights and consents to do so;

uploads files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another person’s computer;

downloads any file that you know, or reasonably should know, cannot be legally distributed in that way;

falsifies or deletes any author attributions, legal or proprietary designations, labels of the origin or source of software, or other material contained in a file that is uploaded;

encourages, promotes, facilitates or instructs others to engage in illegal activity;

promotes, encourages, or facilitates: hate speech, violence, discrimination based on race, color, sexual orientation, marital status, gender or identity expression, parental status, religion or creed, national origin or ancestry, sex, age, physical or mental disability, veteran status, genetic information, citizenship and/or any other characteristic protected by law. 

You may: 

Access the Service for your individual use.

You may not: 

Re-sell or trade your access to the Service;

Share the Service with anyone else who has not yet purchased it or opted to receive it; 

Reprint any portion of the Service content, except as set forth above and for your own individual use;

Republish any of the Service content, in part or in whole; 

Distribute any of the materials contained in the Service or related materials and/or communications as your own; 

Reproduce and alter any part or whole of the Service for distribution as your own work; 

Claim ownership or use over any of our intellectual property without our prior written consent, which includes (but is not limited to): copyrights such as directory materials, resources, videos and more; trademarks such as names, logos, tag-lines or other unique source identifiers; or trade dress including the look and feel of the Service (and its related communications and materials); 

Use our Service or any related materials and/or communications in an unlawful way or for any illegal or unlawful purpose(s). 


Security & Privacy

Stellar Pro takes your security and privacy very seriously. As such, we would like to discuss what we’re doing to ensure your site is secure. We only ask you to provide
information that we need in order to deliver the service or information
you have requested.

We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit personal information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline.

Wherever we collect sensitive information (such as credit card data), that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. You can verify this by looking for a closed lock icon at the bottom of your web browser, or looking for “https” at the beginning of the address of the web page. We utilize Stripe as our payment processor. Information on how Stripe protects your data can be found here:

While we use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online, we also protect your information offline. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, billing or customer service) are granted access to personally identifiable information. The computers/servers in which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment.

1. Information We Collect.

a) At this website, your personally identifiable information is
collected from you when you use the website to perform certain tasks,
such as:

i) When you post or comment on an article or post or send email to us (such as your name and email address).

ii) When you send email to a professional listed in the directory (such as your name and email address). Please note that we
do not read the message in your e-mail. 

iii) When you call a professional using their number listed in the directory (such as information about where the call
was placed).

iv) When you fill out a self-assessment or take a self-test. The assessments and tests are administered by third-parties which have its
own Privacy Policies concerning information they may collect from users. Please refer to their policies via the Privacy Policy links on the assessment and test pages.

v) When you register to be listed in our directories. We collect information that will be used to create your profile in the directory,
such as name, address, email address, as well as well as such professional information as your qualifications, certifications, the
demographic region in which you practice, and your fields of specialty. We collect additional information for our records that may not be displayed as part of your directory profile, but is necessary to check the information you provide or accept payment from you. 

vi) When you open an email communication from us in your email program, we may use a software technology called “web beacons” that to let us know which emails have been opened by the recipients. This allows us to know how well customers respond to certain communications and the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.

b) In addition, like most sites, we maintain logs of site usage for
purposes such as to evaluate our users’ interest level in areas of the
website, which and how many pages they look at, how long they stay on
the website, and what Web browsers are used. This data is tracked in
aggregate form, not at an individual user level, and is not uniquely
identifying. The aggregate level data may be shared with third parties
and the public.

2. Your Posted Materials. The materials you post on the website, such as articles, posts, directory information and
comments, are made available to be seen and read by other users of the website. No such materials are treated confidentially. We will remove your materials from the website at your request, but we cannot give any assurances that such materials are not still available from servers maintained by others (such as search engines or proxy servers) or that others have not already downloaded and stored such materials.

3. Limitations. Though we make every effort to preserve your privacy, we cannot guarantee your privacy. Further, we may
disclose personal information when required by law or where we have a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process served on us. We may also disclose personal information in cooperation with a law enforcement request.


We reserve the right to change this policy from time to time, at the sole discretion of the Company.